The Light at The End of The Tunnel:
A few unconventional definitions and an easy conclusion.


     THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, infinite, all-powerful creator of the Universe. All that exists is under God's direct, conscious control. Nothing exists that God does not know about and have under His direct power.

     SATAN is a concept, conceived of by humanity, which is a representation of that which is not directly controlled by God. Satan is not one individual personality, as portrayed by the devil. Rather, satan is that part of the human mind which perceives itself as a distinctly separate individual, apart from the rest of creation and apart from God. This separation is an illusion and is not perceived by God, because there is nothing in all of existence which is not under God's direct influence. Since satan is a creation or perception of the human mind, it cannot be directly controlled by God, but because it is not God's direct creation, it has no true power in God's universe. Satan can be identified with the ego.

     SIN is any action committed by one of God's creations which is in direct opposition to god's will. Since all of God's creation is under His direct control, an individual under God's direct control is incapable of sin. The ego (satan) creates the illusion of separation from God's will. This separation is not perceived by God.

     THE HUMAN SOUL is the ultimate expression of God in His physical creation. Humanity is created in God's image and is fused into the divine presence of God Himself. Modern humanity in general is unaware of this indwelling divine presence because of centuries of social and religious conditioning. Rather, modern humanity perceives itself as completely separate from the divine presence because of the illusion of sin. This separation is not perceived by God.

     Because of the fact that there is only one God, those people who believe in, and worship more than one "god," or belive that there is a god-like power other than The God operating in the universe, are deluded. Being deluded or confused, in itself, is not harmful, however it becomes so when the ego (satan) begins to create illusions of a reality which is contrary to God's reality. It is only harmful to those who are deluded, though, because even if many confused people believe an illusion to be reality, the reality is that the illusion does not even exist. For example, many people formerly believed the Earth to be flat, however the reality is that the Earth has never been flat and will never be flat, in spite of the belief of those people.

     RELIGION is a cultural expression of devotion to God. The great religions of the world are the highest forms of devotion to The One, True God that each of the great civilizations of the world has had to offer. Since there is only one God, there can be no one, "true" religion. The attitude, or illusion, that there is only one "true" religion is created by the ego (satan).

     TRUE RELIGION is the ultimate realization of God's presence in one's personal life. Living and acting as one of God's beloved children; loving all of God's creation as you would love God Himself.

     It is not egotistically trying to convince, or to convert others to your beliefs.

     It is not self-righteously condemning otherng others or judging them for their beliefs when their beliefs do not match your own.

     True religion is not uniquely Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic, Shinto, Jaina, Zoroastrian, Indigenous, or Shamanic.

     True religion is devoted to all of the infinite manifestations of ONE TRUE GOD.


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