I thought it was fake until I saw it myself

stripe and bird

     I'd seen several different photos of various dead animals which had been painted over by the road striping crew, but I always figured they were a phenomenon of the remote areas and not something that usually happened in counties with large cities and large road maintenance budgets, but then...

     The photo was taken on Beacon Avenue between Holgate and 14th, near downtown seattle... less than half a mile south of the new Mariner's baseball stadium. Come on, King County road maintenance! Where were your brains on this one?


Another Fine Example of Tax Dollars at Work

     Recently The City of Seattle finished work on the new Benaroya Hall, home of the Seattle Symphony. Part of Benaroya Hall includes a newly renovated access corridor to King Country Metro's bus tunnel, which runs beneath Benaroya Hall. A lot of money was put into making this building not only functional, but beautiful. An example of what some of the money was spent on can be seen in the bus tunnel access corridor.

Temple of Music

     A fancy bas-relief sculpture entitled "Temple of Music" which contains images graven on to the ceramic tiles which line the corridor... Fancy until you notice that whoever proofread their little introduction blurb forgot their junior high school grammar lessons that day.

     I'm proud that my tax dollars go towards mis-educating the populace in such an appropriate manner. Good job, people!


that horizontal line